dead trees on a desert

Dry Days Ahead — Indiana Braces for Water Shortages

Indiana experienced a historic dry spell lasting more than 50 days, causing massive water shortages in parts of the state. More water shortages are foreseen in the future due to climate change, as well as increased consumption as Central Indiana continues to grow. While state officials are scrambling for long-term solutions, residents can take it […]

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man exercising

Try Out These Exercises to Continously Improve

Everyone knows how valuable exercise is. We’ve seen it plastered on advertisements, our doctors encourage us to exercise all the time, and athletic feats are always shown on TV. Exercise is indeed important, but beyond the glitz and glamour often connected to it, its significance is fundamental: it helps us live. Regular exercise helps improve

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men getting married

In Sickness and In Health: Is Marriage Healthy?

It is a difficult time for all of us. Nevertheless, partners have been seen allotting their isolation time to planning their weddings. Despite the pandemic, couples have been getting married left and right. Partners have been preparing for their big day amid the social distancing protocols. Before the pandemic, though, marriage has always been a

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checking weight

How Can I Get Rid of My Stubborn Pregnancy Weight Gain for Good?

It’s been months since you gave birth and you’re still nursing those extra pounds. No matter how hard you try to exercise, eat healthily, and get as much sleep as you can, you’re still not losing weight. How can one deal with such a dilemma? There is absolutely nothing wrong with embracing your new body.

How Can I Get Rid of My Stubborn Pregnancy Weight Gain for Good? Read More

air quality concept

6 Super Easy Things to Do to Improve Indoor Air Quality

It is bad enough that you go through dirt, dust, toxins, and other contaminants outside, but indoors, too? When the World Health Organization (WHO) categorized the coronavirus as a global pandemic back in March, every government asked their people to isolate themselves at home. Stay indoors, they said. Do not go out unless necessary. You

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gardening supplies

Rooftop Gardening: What You Need to Know and Prepare For

Vegetable gardening offers many benefits for people living in the city. Aside from getting a supply of fresh produce, it also promotes sleep, reduces stress, and helps the body fight diseases. The pandemic saw many starting a garden at home since they had a lot of time in their hands. Some of them also saw its practical

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