man working

Low-Cost Business: Home-Based Business Ideas You Can Start Online

Starting a business is a difficult task, but with the number of online businesses soaring and online retail orders experiencing a whopping 146% increase in 2020, you might be thinking about making the transition too. Online businesses have their own unique challenges like needing to create a website, marketing your products on different online platforms, getting customers

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man handing over three boxes of pizza

How Delivery Services Supported People’s Health in the Pandemic

It has been more than a year since we have discovered the coronavirus. Nothing has been the same ever since. Thousands of people have been infected by the virus, and we are now facing a global pandemic. COVID-19 is an entirely new virus. It attacks people’s respiratory system; symptoms include dry cough, fever, and difficulty

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pastry chefs at a bakery

The Pandemic Reinforces the Modern Need for Traditional Vocational Skills

Social media has been roundly criticized for giving rise to the selfie and a generational attitude that can be accurately described as ‘all about me.’ But not everyone’s profile is filled with photos of themselves. In fact, many people prefer to stay out of the picture. They are more likely to take photos of their

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Feel At-Home: Addressing Family Health Through Housing Conditions

Housing conditions can have significant effects on family health. Healthy homes have the ability to promote positive physical and mental benefits. Poor, substandard quality housing has been proven to have inverse effects. It’s important to ensure that a home is as safe as it can be, literally and metaphorically. A house should be a haven

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interior of a house

The Dangers of Rodent Infestations and How to Prevent Them

The whole shifted with the pandemic, disrupting the balance in our ecosystem—empty streets, empty stores, and empty restaurants. With fewer tourists in the city, there are fewer leftovers and food discharges among trash cans and sewers. With less food to eat, rodents are inching their way out of their hiding places, scavenging for food. As

The Dangers of Rodent Infestations and How to Prevent Them Read More

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