healthcare technology

In the Service of the People: Running Medical Software Businesses

Today, it’s hard to imagine that so many people die because we didn’t have the technology to cure, treat, and manage medical conditions. In fact, in the past, at least 26% of newly born babies never got past their first birthday, and almost half of them never got to celebrate their fifth. So for centuries,

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interior of a house

Indoor Air Quality: the Negative Health Effects of Irritants

Authorities have finally admitted that the coronavirus is transmitted through the air. According to reports, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have now officially agreed on this stance. Scientists are pushing for ventilation systems to be rebuilt in the same way that public water sources were in the

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medical professional concept

Healthcare and the Pandemic: Safe Medical Attention during COVID-19

The pandemic is a health emergency unlike any other. During this time, healthcare systems and hospitals are inundated with people who are reeling from the effects of the virus. It’s enough to overwhelm any country’s healthcare system, no matter how prepared the people living there supposedly are. There are different organizations that are monitoring the

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young woman

Grit and Confidence: The Power Tools of Life

During this COVID-19 pandemic, the uncertain situation may have affected the level of self-confidence of many of us. A lot of people have lost their jobs, and some have been affected emotionally and mentally. Feelings of depression and isolation have been creeping up, making it difficult to remain interested in hobbies. This feeling of hopelessness

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running woman

Habits You Need to Develop for Personal Wellness

Exercise, a good diet, and visiting health professionals are paramount to keeping your health and wellness. However, there’s another facet of health and wellness that’s often overlooked: the wellness of you and your life. It’s something that’s not often included in discussions but is just as important as the others. To improve your life, you

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