• Type-2 diabetes is a non-insulin-dependent metabolic disorder caused by insulin resistance.
  • Diabetes can lead to vision problems, nerve damage, kidney damage, cardiovascular disease, and depression.
  • Managing diabetes involves dietary changes like incorporating alternative sugars like Stevia, eating more fruits and vegetables, and eating lean proteins.
  • Controlling diabetes requires monitoring blood sugar levels regularly and seeking support when needed.
  • A healthy lifestyle with exercise and a nutritious diet helps reduce the risks of developing health complications associated with Type-2 diabetes.

Type-2 diabetes is a chronic disease that affects millions of people globally. If you’re one of the 34.2 million people in America living with diabetes, you know how challenging it can be to manage. Diabetes affects different organs in your body, and if left untreated, it can lead to several severe health issues. Here’s what you need to know about Type-2 Diabetes, how it can affect your life, and how to manage it.

What is Type-2 Diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes is non-insulin-dependent diabetes, a chronic metabolic disorder that affects how the body utilizes glucose (sugar) as an energy source. It is the most common form of diabetes. For those who have this kind of diabetes, their body doesn’t produce enough insulin to maintain normal blood sugar levels. The pancreas produces insulin and which regulates blood sugar in your body.

Several factors contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes:

  • Insulin resistance: The body’s cells become less responsive to the effects of insulin, leading to impaired glucose uptake from the bloodstream.
  • Pancreatic dysfunction: The pancreas may not produce enough insulin to compensate for insulin resistance or may not release it effectively.
  • Genetic factors: Family history and genetic predisposition can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  • Lifestyle factors: Unhealthy eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, and lack of physical activity are significant risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

How Diabetes Can Affect Your Life

There are various ways your body is affected by diabetes. Here are some of them:

Vision Problems

Diabetes can cause blurry vision, cataracts, and glaucoma. The excess sugar in your blood can damage your blood vessels over time, leading to eye problems. These eye problems can lead to permanent blindness if left untreated. Keeping your blood sugar levels under control and regular eye exams will help reduce the chances of developing vision problems.

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Nerve Damage

High blood sugar levels can damage the nerves in your body. This condition is known as diabetic neuropathy. Neuropathy can cause numbness, tingling, and pain in your feet, legs, and hands. If left untreated, it can lead to the amputation of limbs. It’s crucial to control your blood sugar levels and take good care of your feet.

Kidney Damage

Your kidneys are essential in filtering and removing waste from your body. Diabetes can damage the blood vessels in your kidneys, leading to kidney disease. Kidney damage can lead to chronic kidney disease, progressing to kidney failure if left untreated. Keeping your blood sugar levels under control and regular monitoring can help in the early detection of kidney problems.

Cardiovascular Disease

Diabetes can increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases like heart attack, stroke, or high blood pressure. The excess sugar in the blood can damage the walls of your arteries, leading to atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a condition where plaque builds up in the walls of the arteries, leading to a heart attack or stroke. A healthy lifestyle, diet, regular exercise, and medications to manage diabetes and other risk factors can help prevent cardiovascular diseases.


Living with type-2 diabetes can lead to depression and anxiety. Managing diabetes involves significant lifestyle changes, monitoring blood sugar levels regularly, and following a strict diet. The impact of diabetes on your mental health is often ignored, leading to depression and anxiety. Seeking support, talking to a healthcare professional, and participating in support groups can help manage diabetes-related depression.

Managing Diabetes

There are various ways to manage diabetes. Here are four effective ways:

Alternative Sugars

White sugar contributes to diabetes, which is why alternative sugars are preferred. The most effective alternative sugar is the Stevia liquid sweetener. It can have a lower glycemic index than sugar and won’t cause your blood sugar to spike. The sweetener is also made from natural ingredients and has several health benefits.


Dietary Changes

A healthy diet is essential for managing diabetes. Plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains will help control your blood sugar levels. Restricting foods high in saturated fats and refined carbs is essential.

Physical Activity

Exercising regularly can help manage diabetes. Exercise helps the body use insulin more efficiently, which can lower your blood sugar levels. It also promotes weight loss, reduces stress, and increases energy levels. Aim for 30 minutes of physical activity at least five days a week to benefit from exercise.


In some cases, medications may be required to manage diabetes. Your doctor will decide what medication best suits you based on age, other health conditions, etc. Medications like metformin or insulin help reduce blood sugar levels and improve glucose control over time.

Type-2 Diabetes is a chronic disorder that affects millions of people. However, with the right management and lifestyle modifications, you can reduce the impact of diabetes on your life. By following a healthful diet, exercising regularly, monitoring glucose levels, and taking medication if necessary, you can keep your diabetes under control.

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