Being a parent is quite possibly the most rewarding job in the world. Sometimes, it can be incredibly demanding to the point where you might unintentionally neglect your actual job. Choosing your children over your career is a noble decision, but being a stay-at-home parent shouldn’t spell the end of your professional journey. Remote jobs allow you to work on your career time and fulfill your responsibilities as a parent at the same time. Here are some small business ideas you can start from the comfort of your own home:


Handmade artisanal goods are all the rage online now, so expect to get plenty of returns when you take advantage of your flair for all things DIY. You can sell just about anything online, from customized mobile phone cases to custom coins for cheap. All it takes is a bit of creativity, a dedicated supplier, and an online shopping platform such as Etsy, eBay, or Amazon to start.


Everyone’s got a specialized knowledge in a particular area that someone else would benefit from. Consultants are needed in just about every sector and industry, such as schools, offices, and retail shops. This is an excellent career to look into if you’ve got specific know-how you’d like to share.

Online Reselling

If the idiom “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” has ever applied to you, then online reselling might be something you’d enjoy. All you need to do is work your magic at yard sales, flea markets, and outlet shops by finding hidden treasures and fixing them up so they’re good enough to sell on sites like eBay or Etsy.

Virtual Assistant

The need for virtual assistants has steadily increased as more and more businesses are moving their operations online. If you’ve got a good internet connection and you’re extremely organized and resourceful, then hop on to sites like Upwork or Linkedin to find some virtual assistant positions to fill.

Home Bakery


Are you the resident chef at home? Pull some double duty by making some sweet treats for both your family and your prospective clients. Running a home bakery might just be the perfect career for you. You can set up shop right outside your home or you can advertise your products on a website or on social media.

Airbnb Host

If you’ve got a spare bedroom or an outdoor shed that can double as a small home, you can make a profit out of it by turning it into an Airbnb rental. Since you’ll be staying at home most days, you can easily attend to anything your guests need before they can even think to ask for it.

Children’s Book Author

Do you have a knack for telling your children outlandish and fantastical bedtime stories? Put all that talent to use by writing and selling your own children’s books. You can work with a graphic designer to bring your stories to life. Thanks to the internet, you won’t have to worry about finding a publishing house to publish your books. You can do it on your own personal website, online marketplaces, and on social media.

Make good use of your time at home by taking a chance on any one of these brilliant businesses perfect for stay-at-home parents.

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