A lot of people have the desire to start a business but lack the funds and the time needed to develop a specialized skill to start it. Well, worry not if you may be one of them. This article highlights five easy and inexpensive businesses you can start today with the skills and equipment you already possess.

Landscaping services

A study conducted by PLANET estimates that the landscaping service sector rakes in $35.6 million annually. This comes as no surprise having that there are millions of homeowners out there who desire a beautiful lawn but do not have the time or the inclination to do that. Other potential clients are property builders who don’t have their own landscapers or real estate agents who want a beautiful lawn and landscape pavers to attract potential buyers. You can start this business with landscaping equipment you already own, borrow from friends and family or purchase one with as little as $500 to kick start your business.

Residential cleaning service

Having someone to clean your house is no longer a practice for the rich. With more and more people getting swamped from their busy schedules, people prefer to hire a cleaning service to clean their houses. All you need to start this business is some basic cleaning supplies you already possess and knowledge of cleaning products and services. If you are an organized person, you can build a clientele you will serve on a once-a-week basis.

Delivery services

This is one of the easiest businesses to start and run. All you need is a vehicle and a driving license for this business. The estimated value for the carrier and local service in 2020 was $114.8 billion; that figure alone shows the market demand. Though big companies out there have a strong foothold on the market, that does not mean a startup company cannot flourish. Build a good reputation in your local area by delivering goods quickly and efficiently at a reasonable price.

Event planning


If you are an organized person who possesses good communication skills and can handle crises well enough, then this might be your calling. There is a huge market out there that requires the services of a competent event planner. Whether it’s a wedding planning or a conference for corporations, there is an endless demand for your skills as a planner. With a keen eye for good taste and the help of social media as a marketing tool, you can thrive exponentially in this business.

Painting services

This is another inexpensive business that you can easily start. A lot of people don’t have the time or the care to paint for themselves and would rather hire someone to do it for them. This is a relatively easy job with a huge demand, which will make it easy to hire more staff without the need to train them once your business grows.

Those are some of the easiest businesses to venture into that will not require a huge capital. Try one that best suits you, and make your business dream a reality.

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