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Use Logic to Combat False Assumptions in Digital Marketing

Digital marketing stands out as a skill that’s especially vital to first-time entrepreneurs in today’s world. And with a plethora of information and tips to be found online, it’s tempting to wing it and go the DIY route in this aspect of running your business. You can certainly learn a lot about connecting with a […]

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happy person

Paving Your Way to a Meaningful Wellness Journey

Pursuing true wellness is an ongoing cycle that requires constant discipline and commitment. If you’re dreaming of living a higher quality of life, you will need to maintain optimum wellness. This involves various aspects such as physical, occupational, intellectual, and occupational. Achieving true wellness plays a major part in guaranteeing positive interactions and reducing the

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woman sleeping

Health as an Investment: Investing in Your Family’s Health during a Pandemic

Private healthcare companies have been gaining a newfound interest regarding wellness as more families are investing and spending more time managing their overall health. In fact, most health companies offer annual client membership, including basic health services, such as yearly medical checkups, 24/7 telehealth services, specialist consultations, and regular doctor visits. But as the COVID-19

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barefoot outdoors

Barefoot Running: Addressing Myths and Misconceptions

For thousands of years, our ancestors have been stalking prey, using spears, and generally just trying to survive in the great outdoors without much other than some flimsy tools made of stone and wood. But other than having a “minimalist” lifestyle, especially in terms of tool use, many of our ancestors didn’t also have the

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