There is no sure way of telling when roof problems will occur. Both old and newer homes are susceptible to risks. From its exposure to the elements to its large surface area, your roof is under constant threat of being damaged. A small crack, for example, can lead to major leaks when left unaddressed. Preparation is the key to mitigating risks that threaten the structural integrity of your roof.

The attack on your roof comes from 3 main sources. Find out the three major factors that lead to damaged roofs.

Bad Weather Conditions


It doesn’t matter whether you live in Midland, Michigan or Houston, Texas, bad weather can happen anywhere in the country. Constant exposure to different weather conditions creates massive wear and tear on your roof. Familiarizing yourself with its effects on your roof will help you come up with a suitable maintenance plan.

  • High winds have a tendency to knock shingles loose or completely off a roof.
  • Strong rains will cause water to seep into the shingles and creates condensation which can result in water damage.
  • Snow and ice buildup creates pools when it melts; this accelerates the deterioration of roofing materials.

Although all roofs are susceptible to these, residential flat roofs have the disadvantage of not having a slope. If your house has this architectural style, regularly check it for damage after bad weather.

Overhanging Trees and Branches

Although trees enhance the aesthetic value of your home, they can also be the source of roof damage. While bad weather is slow in causing damage, trees can damage instantaneously. Know what to look for so you can address it before it breaks your roof.

  • When an overhanging branch breaks and falls on your roof, it can cause the roof to collapse.
  • Leaves and other plant debris contain moisture. When these are left on the roof for long periods, it can result in water damage.

Regularly pruning the trees near your home prevents these scenarios from occurring. Additionally, it creates a neater landscape for your property.

Insects, Bugs, and Small Wildlife

When birds and other small animals make their nests on or under your roof, they compromise its structural integrity. Squirrels, for example, can burrow their way in through the shingles and nest inside. Aside from damaging your roof, they can cause problems inside your home.

  • Bees, wasps, and hornets eat through roofing materials to build their hives.
  • Bats and raccoons will take off shingles and burrow into the roof for shelter.
  • Carpenter ants create nests by excavating tunnels into the wood which greatly weakens the structural integrity of the roof.

Regularly inspect your roof for any of these critters. Although this might seem time-consuming, finding them before they settle into the structure will prevent major damage to it. Additionally, it lets you check if there are other issues you need to be mindful of.

Keep your home safe and looking good by taking care of it. Regular maintenance will keep it in prime condition for you and your family for years.

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